Early Childhood Benchmarks of Quality (EC-BOQ)

Early Childhood PBIS Leadership Teams use the EC-BOQ to assess their level of implementation of EC PBIS and to identify strengths and areas for improvement. 

The Early Childhood Program-Wide PBS Benchmarks of Quality (EC-BOQ) is a tool designed to measure the implementation efforts of the seven key components of EC PBIS. The results of the team self-assessment guide action planning. The seven key components of EC PBIS are:

  1. Establish a leadership team
  2. Ensure staff buy-in
  3. Promote family engagement
  4. Establish program-wide expectations
  5. Develop and implement a plan for professional development and staff support
  6. Develop procedures to identify and respond to individual children’s social, emotional, and behavioral support needs
  7. Monitor implementation and outcomes

The Early Childhood Program-Wide PBS Benchmarks of Quality was developed by Lise Fox, Mary Louise Hemmeter, Susan Jack, and Denise Perez Binder (2017).


Administering the Assessment

Administering the Assessment

The EC-BOQ is facilitated by the EC PBIS Leadership Team Coach. They should administer the measure as a non-voting member, if possible. 

Leadership Team Coaches interested in facilitating the EC-BOQ should complete the Facilitating the Early Childhood Benchmarks of Quality (EC-BOQ) course in EduPaths prior to the first administration. You will need to sign up for a free account if you have not previously registered with EduPaths. You can search for the course by searching for the title. The EC-BOQ course provides information about the measure and informs the critical activities a facilitator will need to do before, during, and after each EC-BOQ administration.

Assessment Schedule

Assessment Schedule

The EC PBIS Leadership Team should complete the EC-BOQ twice a year (e.g., January and June) during installation and initial implementation of EC PBIS. It can be completed annually in the spring once fidelity has been met. 

Estimated Time

Estimated Time

Allow 60 to 90 minutes for administration of the EC-BOQ.

Data Entry

Data Entry

Michigan schools and preschool programs are encouraged to enter their data into the MiMTSS Data System. The Data System provides an opportunity for schools, districts, and ISDs to examine their MTSS implementation and impact data in one location. Once entered, a number of graphs and an items report will be available for the EC-BOQ data. Additionally, having EC BOQ scores entered into the Data System allows the school/center, district, or ISD to be eligible for MTSS recognition during the MiMTSS TA Center’s annual recognition process.